
 What is Faith? 

"Strong is God's love for us. He is faithful for ever. "Come, let us give thanks and praise!" (cf. Ps 117:2)
 - Faith is a trust, pledge and confidence in GOD Almighty Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ - 

When the burden seems too great to bear, let us put our hope in his promise that joy awaits those who follow the road faithfully to the end and bring home the harvest of life. 

LORD's Prayers

Prayers can take place in the following forms



Prayers of adoration acknowledges GOD as GOD.



Prayers of contrition acknowledges that we are sinners in need of GOD's mercy. 



Prayer of thanksgiving acknowledges GOD's many gifts to us.



Prayers of supplication acknowledges our needs for GOD's help.

GOD's Healing

Healing is GOD's blessing to us.I have been blessed by God's healing and it has changed my life.Blessed are those people that believe in GOD Father the Almighty.

 Prayer Request

Send Your Request for Special Prayers 
Your prayers will be posted on BBSGE special page - Prayers for ALL, which is accessible by many people that pray for those in need of God's prayers.

 Submit your prayer request using the form below

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